Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So, I have decided to join the masses and keep a blog based on my Medieval projects. I am a happy participant of the SCA since April 2006. I live in the best Kingdom of all, Drachenwald! Here in the middle of Germany, I have the opportunity to visit museums and see real Medieval artifacts. And of course, I do. Quite often right now. So I have a burning desire to make historically accurate Medieval replicas. Granted, I don't always know the technique or have the correct supplies, so my work isn't perfect. Also, I am still learning even the most basic skills, such as sewing. So I have much to improve upon.

Right now, my main projects are some embroidery, garb and music. I have been stitching some Panaches for the Kingdom to give out. These are lower level awards for those who have excelled in Arts & Sciences. They are about 2cm in diameter and will have feathers attached when they are finished.
I am also working on learning a cloak and a 14th century outfit. The cloak will be heraldic and have my heraldic badge diapered over it. However I am temporarily stalled on the cloak. The basic cloak is sewn, but I am deciding on my badge and then I need to register it. Even if it passes the SCA's College of Arms, it will take a few months. So for now, I have just a plain cloak. Yellow wool, lined with green wool.
The project I'm rushing on right now, is to learn a song in the next two weeks. I'll be attending an event called "A Later Period". It's geared towards learning about the later Medieval/Renaissance period. So mostly the 16th - early 17th century. I will be teaching a class on Fingerloop Weaving. I alo like to sing at feast. So I'm learning a song by 16th century composer, John Dowland. "Were Every Thought an Eye" It's fairly simple, as it's in Renaissance English. Thus I don't need to worry about learning lyrics in a language I do not speak. Hopefully I shall be confident enough to sing it in two weekends.
As for the 14th century cotehardie and surcoat, they won't be finished for a bit. The cotehardie is coming along okay. It's green with brown lining, both linen. I'm currently stitching the shell to the lining. The buttons for the front and sleeves are finished. After the two pieces are sewn together, I need to add the sleeves and all the buttons and buttonholes. It shall take a while. The kicker is the surcoat. I bought some bright orange wool as a neat contrast. However, I was a little short on the wool. When I tried to order more, it was discontinued. I can try to stitch some smaller pieces together to make the extra panel for the side, but I'm pretty certain I don't have enough even for that. So I need to order a whole other bit of wool to make a different surcoat. Then I'll cut this down into something for my son or daughter. Grrr...

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