Friday, October 14, 2011

Seemingly inactive...

While I have not been writing much on this board, I have still been quite busy. I attempted to Challenge Drachenwald with a challenge another came up with. However, it has flopped. Only a few people showed interest and I'm not certain how far they have progressed. But I still plan to finish the dress I set out to make, by the date I set for the challenge. And I shall try again next year with a different challenge. I will attempt to tell the populace at the upcoming event about the new challenge and give a head's up. Then at 12th Night Coronation, I plan to issue the challenge. People will have one year to complete their outfit if they choose to join me. I'm attempting an annual challenge with a different theme each time. This is to encourage people to create something they have not done before. This time it was an Italian Renaissance outfit, as laid out by another site. My own notes for the challenge I posted, can be found at

The plan for next year, if anyone takes me up on it, is probably a German Renaissance outfit. Over the next two weeks I will put together the skeleton of a challenge so I can present it at Garden of Earthly Delights. As it's an Arts & Sciences event, it seems the best time and place to present such an idea.

Now, off to bed. Sleep is always an aid in such creative endeavors.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Turnier des Herzwalds II Badges...

I made up two Badges for Turnier des Herzwaldes II. One for the Tourney Champion and one for the Nobleman of the Tourney. Granted, Sir Gerhardt von Wuestenburg won both, but they were fun to make.The swords and II were split stitch, the trees surface couched, the heart made with Klosterstitch and the black background was made with another type of couching.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Italian Renaissance Costuming Challenge...

Lady Anna and I were both interested in the "Realms of Venus" announcement of an Italian Renaissance Costuming Challenge. It sounded like a lot of fun. However, entry to the contest was closed early due to too much work. So we were both too late. But it looks like we may just have our own contest. Now this could be fun. I've done a 1490 Venetian dress and I have the pattern. But it may be fun to do a different style. The basic rules of the official contest state:

Layer 1: A camicia/shift/smock/shirt or drawers or corset/pair of bodies. I don't expect you to make all three.

Layer 2: Either an underskirt or under-dress/petticoat, or doublet and slops.

Layer 3: The final layer will be either an over-dress, or a loose gown, or a cloak/cape.

Layer 4: An accessory - any one of the following: fan, pocket/pouch, hat/jewelled accessory for the hair, zibellino (also known as a "flea fur"), hanky, gloves, girdle, or shoes. A partlet, a set of Venetian shoulder/neck ruffs (if they are separate from the partlet), standing ruff/collar, and a muff are all also accessories.

I'm rather curious to see if we get this going as a cool Drachenwald contest. If so, I could see us doing this each year with a new theme. This could be LOTS of fun. Now I'm off to plan the right style with the fabrics I currently have.