Thursday, December 23, 2010

Son's Room...

Paulchen's wall is mostly painted. There are a few spots that I need to put a basecoat on, but I'll get to that tomorrow. I just have to move a few things out of the way first, but I'm too tired tonight. Then I'll sponge paint the red overcoat.

The adhesive for the wall art never came in, so I'm not even bothering to finish with the Cricut and wall art right now. No point if I can't adhere the art to the wall for Christmas morning. So tomorrow I'll focus on the curtains and blankets. Those should whip up pretty quick. I picked up new curtain rods for Paulchen's room today. They should look cool.

And there are definitely advantages to working in a craft store. You know when there are deals. We're trying to get rid of a lot of merchandise that isn't selling, so much of the store was 75% off. I picked up a few fuzzy coloring posters, a couple wooden model kits and some pom-pom craft kits for the kids. This means the kids will have new stuff for their walls and shelves, after we do some of these things after Christmas. Neat!

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